
⚡️ Turn On The Power!

April 12, 2024

“For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.”

Jesus—Matthew 6:13b

Ever since I first surrendered my heart to Christ over thirty years ago, I’ve loved praise and worship. God’s presence has met me powerfully countless times during worship—whether it’s been in a church service, my living room at home, or in my car on the way to work.

Did you know Jesus opens and closes the Lord’s Prayer with praise and declaration? In Matthew 6:13, Jesus instructs His disciples to declare, “God, Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever and ever!”Closing the Lord’s Prayer, we return to praising the One Who is worthy of it all.

Praise in Scripture is simply defined as a declaration of thanksgiving.Scripture says we are to praise the Lord at all times. In fact, many battles in life are won through praise—rather than our own human efforts. You may remember the Battle of Jericho, when the Israelites marched around the city walls worshiping God and praising His name.

Praise takes our focus off of ourselves and places it on God our Father. Through praise, we have the privilege of being participants in God’s kingdom, conduits of His power, and vessels for His glory!

I encourage you today to turn on some worship music and invite God’s presence and power into your life through praise! To further discover how you can walk in God’s power and authority through praise, dive into this message with me…

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