
How to Say 'No' to Compromise!

October 4, 2024

Although he did not remove the high places from Israel, Asa’s heart was fully committed to the Lord all his life.

2 Chronicles 15:17

Years ago, my family and I all started to get sick around the same time. Our symptoms were mild, but it was clear something was off. Eventually, we were able to identify the source—our water.

At the time, we were living in a house with a well that supplied water to our home. Unfortunately, the water had become contaminated. All it took was a small amount of bacteria to contaminate our entire water source and negatively affect us.

Similarly, in our hearts and minds, it doesn’t take much to contaminate. So as believers, we must learn to separate the pure and the profane. Compromise is an unholy mixture of the pure and the profane—and the consequences can be devastating.

In the Old Testament, we meet a king named Asa who was committed to God and accomplished amazing things for the kingdom—yet Asa left little compromise in his life. You see, 2 Chronicles 15:17 says, “Although he did not remove the high places from Israel, Asa’s heart was fully committed to the Lord all his life.”

God told Asa to remove the high places where pagan worship was rampant. He didn’t. Sadly, the problem was handed down to his son, Jehoshaphat. Friend, what we don’t face in our lives today is transferred to the next generation in their tomorrows.

What are the high places—the areas of compromise—in your life? Whatever you feed grows and whatever you starve dies… so starve those places of compromise. God will give you the power to overcome so they aren’t passed on to the next generation!

To discover how you can defeat compromise, dive into this message with me…

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