When I was in college, God began to speak to me about His vision for my life. After graduating, I was planning to go to law school, but God put dreams in my heart to go into the ministry. I began to see pictures in my mind of me preaching to people, teaching people, and encouraging people. God was speaking His vision to me.
What is vision? While the most common understanding of vision is seeing, vision moves far beyond mere physical sight. From a biblical perspective, vision is the ability to see the end from the beginning. Vision looks not at what is presently happening but at what could or should be happening.
Scripture speaks of vision in Proverbs 29:18: Where there is no vision, the people perish… In other words, without vision, we die on the inside and lack purpose. Vision empowers you to see who God created you to be and what He created you to do and build!
Do you need fresh vision for your life this year? Well, there is a big difference between man-made vision and God-given vision. You see, we are not the source or originator of vision for our lives. God is the Source—which means vision is our discovery, not our decision.
Friend, 2025 can be your best year yet! It all starts with receiving a fresh vision from God. If you’re ready to dive into all He has for you this year, I’d love to share more with you in this message…
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